
No7 Beauty Company and the British Beauty Council visit 11 Downing Street

David visits No.10 Downing Street

To celebrate British Science Week we sat down with VP Communication, David Macdonald, who told us all about a recent trip he took to raise awareness of the importance of science within the beauty industry. 

Tell us what brought you to 11 Downing Street last week? 

To kick off British Science Week, together with the British Beauty Council, we went to talk about the importance of women in science roles in the beauty industry. We were invited to share a film that we created – the great news is that we have a great reputation in the beauty industry for our commitment to encouraging people from a wide range of backgrounds to consider a career in science. If you haven’t seen it already, check out our film which has been seen by government, journalists and leaders across our sector.

Who was there? 

Annie Murphy, SVP, Global Chief Commercial Brands Officer of No7 Beauty Company and Ged O’Shea who heads up our labs attended. We spoke with many of the notable guests, who included women’s equity campaigner and MP Caroline Nokes, Edwina Dunn (Founder of The Female Lead), Millie Kendall OBE (CEO of British Beauty Council) and representatives from other beauty companies such as L’Oreal. It was a truly collaborative effort across our industry, amongst competitors, to shout about the amazing work we do and how to get more women into science roles through the power of health and beauty. Most importantly, some incredible women and girls spoke about their experience and asked inspirational questions to experts in the room.

And what next?

I invited a few special guests to come and speak to us – watch this space!

Thanks David! We can’t wait to see who you’ve got lined up!

Check out the video David mentioned here: